Sunday, October 24, 2010

Slovakia … part 2

Here is Princess Mirka.  She is a geography student at Prešov who invited our family to see Stará Ľubovňa Castle where she works. 

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Benji and Vince “almost” there after hiking through town.  And up the hill.  Funny how all castles are on hills. Winking smile Castle in sight!

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This is how our boys play chess.  Benji seems to be winning.10-09_slovensko 17710-09_slovensko 207

My favorite part of the castle would have to be the boar rug and the stalactites growing in the dungeon.

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Stará Ľubovňa also has a skanzen (kind of like Pioneer village –for you Utahans) cute old log cabins and churches gathered in a little museum village.

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Our boys were a little suspicious of the locals.  10-09_slovensko 24510-09_slovensko 24410-09_slovensko 242

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3 comments: said...

That is so cool! You guys sure have some fun adventures!

Q said...

Our kids (especially Cam) love those giant chess games! That's fun to have a personal guide to the castle.

Anonymous said...
