Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Big Bag
Since we've moved here there has been hardly any snow in Prague. A few years ago there was a cross country ski race at Vystaviště, a few blocks away and afterwards they put the leftover snow in the park by us. That't pretty much the extent of our snow experience until this year. Prague hasn't had this much snow since the 1970's! The day after the biggest snowfall (over one foot!), we went sledding in the park down the street! Thanks to the Vondruškovi for letting us use their sled! The boys LOVED it! Benji giggled when we went down the hill. Much different from Vinson. The first time, we tried sledding with Vince, he refused to go and cried the whole time I went down the hill (maybe he thought I'd die?). This time around, both boys and parents had a good time.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Family Christmas Letter
Dan finished his thesis (Adventists and Mormons in Czechia: Distribution, position and manifestations of social capital) and received high marks and glowing reviews. Dan is really enjoying his studies and is getting more work than ever translating his professors’ articles and books into English (so technically he gets paid to study). He’s interested in studying religious identity in
Val is finally comfortable with Czech, though far from fluent. She does really well with children Czech, pregnant Czech, and religious Czech, but can hold a one on one conversation with anyone who is patient enough. The boys keep her busier than ever with play dates, going to the zoo, an at home preschool with Vinson’s friend Lolo and we also volunteer at a family center once a week. This way Val can practice her Czech and the boys can play with the toys.
Vinson’s favorite thing to do is to play pretend. He would rather act out Dora the Explorer or Franklin than watch them. He is several different animals every day and if I call him “Vinson” when we are playing he always responds with, “No, I’m baby tiger” or whatever he is at the time. We signed him up for an art class once a week and he loves it. He also enjoys playing games on the computer and has become expert with the mouse.
Benjamin is amazingly mobile and aggressive for a 1 year old. He runs, climbs, and defends his toys. This is fine when he is playing with Vinson, but I have to watch him closely when we play with other kids his age or older. He loves to dance and be involved when Vinson is playing and loves reading books with his dad (or anyone for that matter). He says “mama” and “bye” and is absolutely adorable.
We were able to go to
Love, Dan Val Vinson and Benjamin Reeves