Every now and then Vince turns into Holka's mommy when he disciplines her. "Holka no! Time out! Did you hear me? 1, 2, 3 . . ." I asked him if he could be Holka's daddy and he said no. It makes me wonder if he's using it as a release for his frustrations with his own mommy whom he sounds an awful lot like . . . Dan doesn't yell as much and always uses a soft voice with him.
Finally yesterday was kind of interesting. We went to Tesco (the Czech equivilent of Walmart) and he walked sometimes because Holka wanted to ride in the stroller. While we were at the check out she ran away. I wouldn't let Vince chase her for obvious reasons. So he ran to the balcony and started yelling at her. "Holka stop! Wait there!" Then Vince and I went down the escalators and as soon as we were close to the bottom he said, "Holka! How are you!" I was suprised she actually waited :)